Forest Shuffle
About Forest Shuffle
In Forest Shuffle, players compete to gather the most valuable trees, then attract species to these trees, thus creating an ecologically balanced habitat for flora and fauna. To start, each p...Read More
Forest Shuffle Expansions
Similar Games to Forest Shuffle
Enjoyable optimisation set collection puzzle, seems to run long for what it is
The split cards are fun and a good idea, but the game is badly marred by how important the luck of blind drawing is and the wildly inconsistent strength of the different cards/synergies. 3/4 Player felt better just because fewer cards per player meant that you had to do more making do with what you have, rather than the 2 player experience of having time to draw endlessly. Because drafting/hate drafting the deer/wolves is so important, the most interesting part of the game ends up being the timing of dumping said cards if you aren't in that strategy. Otherwise the card synergies mostly play themselves with little input from the player.
Expected it to be good, but it was even better.
Goes on a bit too long, but extremely pleasant theme-ing and really simple to parse iconography makes this a breezy play. Expansions are a must, just mix them in and don't look back.
Very fun but there are clear balance issues
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