About Everdell Farshore
The Forever Sea is calling... The rugged coast north of Everdell Valley is a land brimming with adventure and mystery. Stalwart sailors search for bountiful islands and valuable treasures. Du...Read More
Everdell Farshore Expansions
Similar Games to Everdell Farshore
Saw this at GenCon and it’s just as beautiful as the original and I look forward to playing it!
This is a streamlined version of the base Everdell game. This game adds a new mechanic in the moving of the boat around the board.
fun version of the original, easy to learn and play
A worse version of Oversell in my opinion
This game resolves a lot of issues with Everdell, but by doing so, perhaps loses a bit of the magic.
I am not a huge Everdell fan, I think the game is bloated, far longer than it should be, but it is weapons grade adorable so I get why people enjoy it.
This version flows much better, its very smooth in comparison, you no longer have to worry about matching critters to constructions, you just get 3 goes, and they need to be the same colour, a nice way to streamline things but also add some interesting trade offs.
The boats around the board add a small amount of extra decision space to consider, as well as propping up the economy as worker placement spaces feel a lot tighter.
The maps replace events, the special events were the worst part of Everdell, so arbitrary to complete and completely forgettable. The maps are more like basic events, everyone can get them but they have diminishing returns. This creates some good tension and much needed player interaction, however it feels like they are perhaps a bit overtuned but maybe thats what you need to encourage the interaction.
The game is still stupidly overproduced, the resources are still lovely, the shells are annoying compared to coins, the board is still obnoxiously big, the lighthouse is completely unnecessary and unusable, the boats are completely unnecessary and get in the way, they also have a meeple riding in them, for no good reason, just give every a meeple boat instead.
The overproduction is easily the biggest knock to this game for the simple reason that it bloats the price to an absolutely stupid degree, its twice the cost of Wingspan, arguably its main competetor, you can buy Anachrony and its Miniature expansion for the same price, it almost costs as much as Voidfall in retail. For a game that is a nice breezy tableau builder with a cute aesthetic that is beyond insane, the game is fine, but it is absolutely not worth the price of admission.
Nice new version of the everdell design. Feels more streamlined, definitely play again.
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