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BGG Overall Ranking
1-4 players
Best: 3
3.1 / 5
60-120 min
Playing Time

About Evenfall

It's Evenfall, and the Clans of Magic are preparing for a new era. Evenfall is the time when the boundaries of reality collapse and the supernatural awakens. The World-Tree opens its glowing gateways ...Read More

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Evenfall: The Crystal Path
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Interesting but way too fiddly for my tastes personally. The way scoring and mana are tracked is awful.


I'm really disappointed with this game, taken into account all positive reviews. The game is not very bad, but dull, not elegant (too much of everything), with no interaction and most of all - with absolutely nothing original in terms of mechanics. The main Outer-Inner Circle mechanics is basically taken from Elysium (2015), but without originality and several clever ideas of Elysium (it's an unfunny joke that when I'm writing this comment Elysium has rating 7.2 and Evenfall 8.1).


  • multiplayer solitaire: there is a "battle phase", but with no real battle at all. The mana track shows you who will win before the start of the battle and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it (in other games with "calculated battles", like Scythe or Diune Imperium, you have at least some hidden cards that may change the result to your advantage). But to be very honest, the bonuses for the participation in the battle are so strong, that you do not really care who "wins".
  • nothing original: it is difficult to propose a new mechanics, but this game does not propose absolutely nothing new - Inner/Outer Circle idea you can find in Elysium, usage of the cards as main or bottom ability (Specialists or Council Members) for example in Imperial Settlers, Withes/Elders distinction in Oak, usage of cards to get free resources in Res Arcana, battles reminds those of Scythe, etc...
  • not elegant: as above, there is a bit of everything here: magical cards like in Res Arcana, battles, coven track like in typical euro game, worker placement, Inner/Outer Circle idea, places-rituals binding, withes/elders distinction.... I have an impression that all of it serves for not being accused of non-originality and multiplayer solitaire, but it does not really help, as the game is not elegant and you basically do actions for other actions (for example you participate in battles to advance in coven track, to get more mana, to participate in battles... oh, wait). It is not very consistent either: if you really need some mana/coven advancement/moving a place to Inner Circle etc., in most of euro games you can find many options to do it; here in most cases you can only wait for new cards at the beginning of new round hoping there will be something to help you
  • there is a lot of randomness in cards and you cannot do much about it (there is no draft and very little possibilities to draw more cards); you can try to make some combo but instead of cards "familiar" you are getting only cards to make more mana, for example; there are also OP cards and very weak ones
  • in game like that it would be more interesting to create a deck of unique cards: otherwise you always have in hand at least one pair of identical cards


  • beautiful art
  • strong bonuses for participation in battles (but sadly, you participate in battles mostly because of those bonuses and not to really win anything)
  • with only 3 rounds the game is quite quick (in fact it is the only reason to play this game more than once)

超主观点评: 1、美术方面:废墟之地的美术有点偷懒,虽然废墟之地的卡牌很多但是其实只有几幅画(重复的太多),而且这张人脸让我看着很不舒服,整体的画风也不是我喜欢的风格。但是美感这东西真是见仁见智,我朋友就是冲着画风买的。 2、玩法方面:工人放置+引擎(卡牌)构筑。卡牌的能力多种多样,combo很多,每次摸5-6张牌,自己研究完卡牌并且完成头脑风暴就要算半天。挺自闭的,除了战斗的时候有点互动,行动时基本不用管对方。而且dt有点久,两人局已经让人觉得不耐烦,不敢想象超过2人的情况。好的方面是这个游戏支持solo,可能solo的体验更好? 玩法: 游戏流程很简单的,每个大轮一共4个阶段,三个大轮后游戏结束。 1、收入。 2、行动:有五种行动任意执行,可以工人放置、打牌等。 3、战斗(比拼影响力,获得奖励,只要影响力足够,不需要打赢也有奖励)。 4、整理。

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