G.I. JOE: Battle for the Arctic Circle
About G.I. JOE: Battle for the Arctic Circle
Cobra has established a base at the North Pole and threatens the world with its Weather Dominator! Only G.I. Joe is ready and able to defeat these forces without drawing the entire world into a larger...Read More
G.I. JOE: Battle for the Arctic Circle Expansions
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The theme is not there. Mediocre components and boring game.
Fun version of A&A. Joe Sculpts are great. I love the asymmetry between faction leaders and team units. Strategies revolving around Icebreaking is interesting. The icebreaking retreat being applied to air units is surprising. It's a shame that the order of Icebreaker evacuation was missed.
I finished the first gameplay and I think the game is fun. It is a fight for victory points between diferent kind of units. Only one gameplay is not enough, but I have enyoyed it. Plastic minis, map and dice normal quality. Box, rulesbook and counters low quality.
I welcome any modern war game. However, using Axis & Allies rules is dumb as f***. It's tedious.
Should be called: " Tedious GI JOE"
Minis sind qualitativ durchschnittlich. Ein klassisches Area Control Spiel im G.I. Joe Universum. Hat alle Aspekte welches ein gutes Spiel braucht.
Kommt vom Thema allerdings weder an Mission Critical noch an das Deck-Building Game heran.
Außerdem gibt es im Area Control / Wargame Bereich neben Tsukuyumi, Inis, Blood Rage, Die Verteidiung von Procyon III oder auch Root viele bessere Ableger.