About Civolution
Hello, student beings! The cosmic faculty of the Technical Academy of Creation is delighted to welcome you to your Civolution, the final exam in Civilization Design! For this occasion, we pre...Read More
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Table hog at 2 player, can't imagine at 3 or 4, but WOW what a great game. For sure this is our favorite Feld, this is a masterpiece and a true sandbox IMHO. It's a long teach, but not terrible, and the storage solution actually is pretty fantastic.
This game is a beast of a puzzle with all the Feld tuning and design you'd expect. A huge variety of scoring conditions means the game pushes you in different directions every time you play. It is absolutely overwhelming in options to achieve those goals - you won't even come close to using every action each game. It flows very well, but there are a lot of details beneath the surface. Too much luck? It's part of the vibe here. The dice are easily mitigated (at some measure of sacrifice), but the card flow could be frustrating. Still,it's fun to watch the game develop over time if you can get behind the sprawling nature of the game. I love it.
Que salga castellano, el mejor Feld hasta la fecha y ya es decir jeje
It's ok but also a lot for what it is. And the end game scoring is bananas. I got 178 points in end game scoring. This has a lot of complication for the sake of complication in my opinion.
This game is just awesome
Begrudgingly, I like this game. There's a lot going on and it's all interconnected. I wondered if I was going to get squeezed at the end because I didn't have any monuments, but I was perfectly fine because I had more things in my 7 VP row. Ultimately, I squeaked out a victory on the first tiebreak, despite lagging behind by a large margin during the game.
This looks like a civ game, but it's really all about the dice. Had I rolled better in my last roll, I would have earned at least 4 VP more. That bothered me. A lot. The dice are fickle, a cruel mistress who delights in torturing us, their adherents, by rolling three 1's when all I wanted/needed was a stupid 3 (and I only had 1 idea to mitigate them). UGH!
A bit long. We were 4:15 for a 3p game with 1 new player (me). I thoroughly enjoyed it, but still a bit long. I need to look into the solo game and see if I want to buy this one. I will say that the insert/storage plan is EXCELLENT.
Generally speaking, I like civ games. I don't mind dice. However, I really don't know that I need the two together. Unlike, say, [gameid=233247] or [gameid=25613], in Civolutions it's very hard to aim for a specific goal since your available actions are largely based on your dice roll. Roll "correctly" and you can do what you want, otherwise you do what you can. There is an inherent efficiency in using as many of your dice as you can before resetting since the reset is what advances the clock on the game. That goal for efficiency has to be balanced against what's actually [i]worth[/i] doing since otherwise it's a waste of time and you're really just buying more time for other players to do their better things. That's a really strange balance and I don't think I feel good about it. I like a civ game where there is pressure and competition, but you still have a decent range of choices in what you do and how you do it. Even though there's a lot going on here (and I mean A LOT), I don't feel like that range of viable choices is present. Roll the dice and see whether or not you like what they have to say. Eh.
The Vale of Eternity
On the Underground: Paris / New York
Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age