About Heat: Heavy Rain
This expansion introduces: One new driver w/ all essential player specific components in orange (now allows up to 7 racers) Two new maps (Japan & Mexico) New upgra...Read More
Solid first expansion with a perfectly reasonable amount of new content. New maps are beautiful and contain specific twists, and there's a little more of everything else, at the same high quality as the base game. You want more Heat, this is it.
暴雨来袭扩展主要有以下内容: 1、1名新车手,配备所有必要的橙色特定赛车部件(现在最多允许7名赛车手)。 2、两张新地图(日本和墨西哥)。 3、新的升级卡(引入紫色水滴-不同的冷却方式,允许玩家从弃牌堆中取出一张热卡并将其放回引擎中)。 4、淹没的轨道部分(在这些部分必须花费额外的热量来调档)。 5、更多热度、压力、冠军、赞助和活动卡等。 感觉加扩之后车子跑得更快了,但是对游戏性并没有提升,也就增加了一点重开性吧。 超主观点评(加自动车,6人局): 1、美术还不错,特别是玩家面板,那一排的仪表盘,看着就有感觉了! 2、貌似是个赌狗游戏,其实加了扩展以后策略性还挺强的,因为打什么牌,有什么效果都很直观,且有7张手牌,选择还是蛮多的。总之就是要控制打出压力牌的时机,能弃掉更好,因为其太不稳定,想要高的时候可能来个低的,想要低的时候老哥搞个4,直接滑出赛道哈哈哈! 3、人多更好玩,落后的玩家更容易蹭到尾流。而且最后一名玩家有可以多走一格的保护机制,这对于轻策而言很重要。 小心得: 高档位过弯时一定要控制好,如果滑出赛道,在没有热能的情况下,档位降不下来,可能会被卡2-3个回合,非常丧。 玩法: 根据档位,打出对应张数的卡牌,加总卡牌上的数字,就是自己赛车前进的步数。在过弯的时候会有一些速度限制。第一个跑完两圈的玩家获胜,如果同时跑完,看谁冲得远。
Very underwhelming box content. 2 new tracks (only one of which has the new "flooded" mechanism), 1 new player and some new modifications. Not strictly necessary unless you want the option to play with 7 people
Great game but… Half of the base game price ! Seriously ?
Nice expansion. Not strictly 'essential', which is the only reason it's not a straight up 10. But the super cool upgrade is, as it suggests, very cool indeed.
The water mechanics on Japan are great, and I like how they make that course feel uniquely challenging. They also introduce some interesting decisions in terms of whether to choose boost or moving up a gear.
Overall - love it. Highly recommended.