Bomb Busters
About Bomb Busters
There is a bomb full of wires and the countdown has started... Who are you gonna call? YOU, the Bomb Busters! To clear the bomb, you need to collaborate with your team of bomb disposal expert...Read More
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Cocktail games / Pegasus
On the intro missions. It's great so far and looking forward to more.
Update : On box 2 (Mission 20s). Still very enjoyable. The 2p is perfect for me and my 6 year old daughter. Also tried 3p and 5p which is great. 4p likely best.
Pretty interesting co-operative deduction game, a rare breed really. I didn't play with the extra content.
Very strong first impression (well; "first" - missions 1-3 and 8, or even 9?). This is very fast, winnable yet tight. Looking forward to exploring further. Score might go up still.
超主观点评(4人局): 1、可可爱爱的小动物们去合作拆弹,画风和主题都比较讨喜,游戏规则简单,玩的时间也不长(4人大概20分钟一局),我们连续玩了两把。 2、4人玩貌似没什么难度,在距离爆炸还有2格以上的时候全部成功了(玩了教学关的最后一关和正常的第一关)。 缺点: 小动物们如此可爱,能力怎么就都一样呢? 小心得: 1、1或者12多的玩家可以把2或者11标注一下,这样可以合理猜测最左边的是1,最右边的是12。 2、记住别人猜的数字,他猜过证明自己有。 玩法: 每人将自己的数字立牌由小到大放在自己面前,然后标记一个数字所在的位置给别的玩家看。到自己时,猜测一名队友的某一个立牌数字,如果猜对了,可以将自己的和队友的数字一起亮出来,如果有对应的策略卡,该策略则变成可用状态;如果猜错了,炸弹倒计时前进一格(错的次数多了会炸,猜了红色的数字也会炸),同时该队友要给出被猜数字的提示。所有数字都亮出来后游戏结束。
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