About The White Castle: Matcha
The tea ceremony lies at the heart of Japanese culture, giving life the most essential and elemental concepts of hospitality, respect, and Zen philosophy. There, they believe that tea, which came from...Read More
Turned a 6 to a 9! Only slightly hyperbolic since I rated the base game 8 :P
I love what this brings to the game. Being a great lover of dicey Euros, this now moves into a contender of the more of my top notch games, like GAH and Tiletum.
The base game was very enjoyable but there was too much hanging on the variable set up. It was a bit of a glaring flaw in my mind.
Like all our expansions, plays are recorded in the base game for consistency.
Doesn't fix any problems with the game or make it more fun. It just changes things up to be fresh again. It's good, but don't even think about it unless you're sick of the original.
Turns a solid game into a very good one. Probably my best quick playing Euro game.
超主观点评(4人局): 基础小辣鸡5分,加了扩有7分的水平了。最大改进是每人可选的骰子多了3颗。基础游戏每人只拿9颗骰子,刚刚构筑起来还没得爽就结束了,且这游戏规则不算简单,太快结束的话就觉得学习成本和游戏性完全不成正比。其它的改变就可有可无了,所以我觉得直接把基础的游戏改成4轮效果也差不多。 小心得: 1、这游戏得分很难,不能贪心,有一种道路能走到最高就很不错了。 2、大点数骰子永远有优势,但是到了中期之后就可以仔细研究下左右骰子的点数,如果左右的点数相差不大的话,就拿左边最小的骰子,给点钱触发宝塔行动更赚。 玩法: 骰子工人放置。骰子比工位上的点数大的时候可以得钱,反之就给钱,差几点就补多少差价。
More choices without compromising too much the length of the game.
As someone who enjoyed the quick playtime of the base game, I couldn’t help but wish for just one or two extra turns. This expansion delivers on that! My first play was a bit scattered, probably because I was still figuring out the expansion, but I’m excited for more!
More, on my ⟣⧗First Pass⧗⟢ Blog: https://boardgamegeek.com/blog/9052/blogpost/167856/anim8rs-new-to-me-in-november-2024
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