Warhammer: Invasion
About Warhammer: Invasion
Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game is a two-player card game of intense warfare, clever kingdom management, and epic questing. Players must carefully allocate their resources as they seek to build thei...Read More
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Similar Games to Warhammer: Invasion
It's alright, but Magic is better...
(bought) / (traded for RISK 2210 w/ Mars map)
The game apparently is very good, but I have various doubt about his rules. I need of a FAQ.
best card game I have played
Just played the core set so far, with my partner and 13 year old daughter. Enjoyed every game so far. daughter beat me with the Dwarves ( I played Chaos), she was delighted!
This was 4 years ago. Now today it sits on a shelf unlooked at. Umm need to play again.
June 2021: Seven years later and still unplayed...
Good 1v1 LCG. Warhammer theme is ok, but at times it looks like a generic fantasy setting. Core box offers little variety. Game wants you to besiege you opponent ASAP, some battles may be won in 10 minutes. Some rule-heavy in first few games to learn the deck and all the keyword powers, doesn't make too sense if not played a lot and without expansions. I really like the multi-players variant and i think it works very well.
By far the best of the Fantasy Flight 'Living Card Game' series. Doesn't have the ghastly artwork of Call of Cthulhu, nor the grindy and lengthy nature of Game of Thrones.
2 Players
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