Carcassonne: The Castle
About Carcassonne: The Castle
Carcassonne: the Castle takes place in the city of Carcassone itself. The theme is development of the city within the "castle walls", which might be more appropriately called the city walls,...Read More
Carcassonne: The Castle Expansions
Similar Games to Carcassonne: The Castle
A little too un-confrontational. Not as much of a screw-factor as regular Carc, which makes it less fun. The bonus tiles are a good element.
Fun game. Lots more depth than standard Carc.
I wish my game partners (my 6 y.o. and husband) liked this more. I think the game is less intuitive than vanilla Carc., and it just hasn't appealed to them because of that, but I like the added complexity.
The setup time is really the killer in our experience. For that, we'd rather play normal 2p Carcassonne. The best part of it is the limiting castle wall, but the running around the outside edge and having scoring effects was sort of lame. In some ways, this makes me want to do a constrained variant of normal Carcassonne...
Like this version of Carc, very much!
This 2 player game is quite a bit different than the original Carcassonne. I like it.
reviewed on my blog as 'Carcassonne: Die Burg'
My only problem with this game is that it is only 2 players.
I hate the original Carcassonne, but I liked this one!
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