Space Empires 4X
About Space Empires 4X
Space Empires is a game in the finest tradition of 4X space games - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Each player builds up a space empire and uses it to conquer the other players. Explorat...Read More
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rating from playing on BGA, I imagine a face to face game would be more fun
All that work just to get mass assaulted and wiped out! Still pimping the game though.
Everyone should have this in their collection. Simple rules, deep game play.
Seems intriguing.. a wargame with some interesting ideas.
I'd like to try it, but somehow - forgive my shallowness - I find it really difficult to get really excited about a game that looks so visually unappealing...
Yeah, it's off-puttingly ugly, takes forever to play, is extremely fiddly and riddled with annoying bookkeeping issues that will result in inevitable mistakes and a lot of tedious and boring micromanagement. Pen and paper, seriously?
This kind of games belong in the computer world, not on tabletop. This seems like a poor analog version of something I played in the late 80s. Never again.
Space Empires is a war game on an interstellar level. The rules are simple but allow for very complex situations to arise and this is the game's greatest strength. The game also has a very pleasing crescendo of action. At the beginning players are exploring their domain and exploiting resources. This phase of the game is used as a springboard into the conflict oriented middle and end game. The overall game arch does go on a bit too long.
It uses no blocks, but it is effectively a block war game with extensive "cloud of war" stylings. As such it’s reminiscent of many Columbia war games. For personal reasons I dislike such game mechanisms.
Not for me but my partner likes it.
Wow this is a tremendous space war game Featuring tech trees, hidden units, tactical battles, and space exploration.
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