Edge of Darkness
About Edge of Darkness
Edge of Darkness is the third Card Crafting Game from Alderac Entertainment Group designed by John D. Clair. Edge of Darkness combines Card Crafting, Worker Placement, shared deck-building, and a whol...Read More
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A clever cross between Mystic Vale and Dominion with superb production quality. But with even only three players, the rounds took longer and longer, and towards the end a player could have 5-10 mins of AP trying to resolve their best move. So I got quite bored waiting a quarter of an hour for my next turn. I'm expect with familiarity the AP would reduce but then perhaps only if using the same mix of 10 decks.
Love the card crafting to create a common deck of cards. It's amazing how many card and location actions you can end up taking in a turn. Love it!
Update 6/1/2020 - well, during the second play where I already knew the mechanics I had to deal with the frustration of extremely limited resources - this could have been due to the available locations - but I didn't have much fun so I'm afraid we're giving it away.
Rating dropped from a 9 to a 6. I'm fickle I guess.
Overall I did enjoy the current version of Edge Darkness that I had opportunity to play. If you liked the card crafting aspects of Mystic Vale and Custom Heroes that the designer has been on, you more than likely will enjoy this combination of worker, card crafting, and resource management. As of writing this, the kick-starter has already been fully funded and is working on more art stretch goals check it out if you are interested in backing it at this point.
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