About Terraforming Mars: Colonies
Our world has widened before us. Corporations expand their operations to all corners of the solar system in pursuit of minerals and resources. Most places are not suited for terraforming, but building...Read More
June 2020
Whereas the expansins Prelude and Hellas & Elysium INTEGRATE with the game rather seamlessly, the Colonies expansion is more of an add-on. What it adds, however, makes thematic sense. Of course there would be some minor mining colonies in various locations in the Solar system by the time humankind has reached the technological level and level of unity necessary to embark on a multi-generation terraforming project.
Colonies is about resource mining/trading. Mechanically it's sort of a worker placement add-on to the game. I play with this expansion when I feel like adding some weight. If you're already into the game and feel that adding a litle bit of time and a few more hard choices, Colonies is for you. But first get the other two expansions I mentioned above.
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Give colonies to a already great game.
Terraforming Mars: Automa
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