Imperial Steam
About Imperial Steam
The Industrial Age is starting to boom. You are in need of more workers for your factories, and you also need more workers to build railroad tracks to expand your railway network. This, in turn, will ...Read More
Imperial Steam Expansions
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Although mechanically very different, I'd class this in a similar vein / feel as Brass (high praise!). Lots of interwoven parts, a very harsh economy, quite a lot of potential screwage, and some very interesting end game criteria. Plus lots of variability in the set up should keep it fresh. I'm expecting this to be a keeper. Be prepared for an a crazy long set up time though
good game, but decision space tended to be a little repetitive throughout the game.
the struggle of setup is real. the fiddly setup makes me wonder why I didn't play Brass instead.
Very rules heavy and convoluted when compared to other similar train/economic games. The game has an excruciatingly tight economy and equally restrictive map that can lock you out if you make early game mistakes. Connecting to the hub cities does seem overly important to snowballing your economy, compared to all the red herring options the game gives you. I don't typically have much patience for these sort of games, but I enjoyed the mechanics enough for a second play.
Note: Official Capstone TTS preview
Too punishing with an overall runaway leader problem. That problem can start by the second round of the game if a player missteps.
box 7
Imperial Steam. Sin nada de azar. Quien vaya muy corto para llegar a fin de mes se sentirá casi identificado con el juego xDDDD
El juego consiste en hacer magia, y conseguir que el papel de los billetes sea elástico y estirarlos. jaja Ahogado no, lo siguiente. El dueño del juego cuando lo probé por primera vez, los plastificó, un visionario! :D
Y ahora en serio, me parece un pepinaco de juego económico, muy exigente, sin nada de azar, hará las delicias del eurogamer puro. Pero cuidado, no lo juzguéis por vuestra primera partida que es completamente de aprendizaje. Y la siguiente diría que también jeje. El juego aprieta muchísimo y no perdona errores, y empieza con una puja inicial que es crítica.
Podríamos debatir el tema de las condiciones de victoria, que son muy distintas si alguien consigue llegar, conectando con vías, a la ciudad de Triste. Debido a ello hay una tensión en la compra de contratos "promesa" para el fin de partida, que pueden dar muchísima pasta durante la partida pero penalizando un -10% de todo el dinero al final, por cada contratista usado (préstamo). Los contratos también reflejan una cantidad, pero no se aplican al final si nadie llega a Trieste, y si se llega, se aplican sumando o restando dichos contratos dependiendo si los has cumplido o no.
A beautiful economic puzzle, that requires a bit of mental wiggles to solve. Only on my first game with others but I love how it goes so far. My initial impression is a 9, only not a 10 because no dual layer player boards and no insert so it’s a bear to get out and a bear to put away.
Also this is minimum 3 hour play time if you have to teach it.
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