Galileo Project
About Galileo Project
Thirty years after sending the first colonial ships from Ganymede, humanity decided to launch Project Galileo! Its goal: Settle the four main satellites of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) ...Read More
Galileo Project Expansions
Similar Games to Galileo Project
It’s a card-driven engine-building game. Choose an influence card in the display to gain influence and an effect. Then use influence to buy progress cards - they have a type and also move you along a score track. Each track scores differently and provides different benefits. Gathering cards of the same type gives other benefits. It’s a little like Khora, once you start down a path you want to continue buying the same type of cards and complete tracks for max advantage but this one thankfully is more flexible. There’s a cute mechanism whereby you only have influence in one of the 2 colours (and you can only buy cards in that colour) until you spend it all, or you pay to flip into the other colour. Which makes for interesting decisions from the mid-point on when a strategy has come together and you’re looking to max it, at which point it turns meatier than you might expect for a set collection game. I think you may be a little too much at the mercy of what cards people leave you for me to love it (I mean, that’s the whole game) but it’s engaging to play and I enjoyed it for what it is.
A publisher who's game I have recently enjoyed a lot ZHANGUO FIRTST EMPIRE, new edition of IKI and now this. Moving up on interconnected tracks via an interconnected currency mechanism is very satisfying. It feels like a very different puzzle made of familiar board game mechanisms. It started a little confusing, but soon enough the turns became snappy and fun. Also, great example of space space-themed game which not all BLACK, devoid of color, fun, and imagination!! Other publishers need to take notice. PAIN POINTS: Was surprised by how much I liked this game. I look forward to playing again to see if any pain points jump out!
More, on my ⟣⧗First Pass⧗⟢ Blog:
Played at Vichy festival
Pretty good, this is a game where even if you start badly you can always win and viceversa because of the way it works.
Might go up with more plays. Enjoyed this one a bunch.
Made two games with author Adrien Hesling and other players two months before release. Mechanics are original, beautiful production, interesting reflexion to try having cumulative effects (or do tango on planets to trigger bonuses more than once). Calls for more plays! Other players share feeling.
Played at Essen 22. Instant hit. Good game.
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