Descent: Journeys in the Dark
About Descent: Journeys in the Dark
Descent: Journeys in the Dark is a "one vs. many" game in which up to four players will choose characters with a wide assortment of skills and innate abilities to be the heroes who will expl...Read More
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I see the appeal and I like dungeon crawlers and 1 vs. many games but I felt like it was unbalanced.
Fell flat the one time I played with my 2 brothers and immediately sold it.
Rating based on 1 play. The game took much longer than I expected, although I should know that from Doom, plus none of us had played Descent before. It was fun though, but the final battle was a bit too easy due to killer magic. I'd try it again, but I'm not in a rush. Glad I didn't buy it when I had the chance a while ago.
Rather long & repetitive but quite good fun. Balance looked to be a problem but I'm less worried about that in this type of game
This is not a good substitute for D&D if you are trying to cut out time, however it is a good RPG to play for only two people.
Really the best dungeon crawl ever. The hours just slip away while playing. It is so interactive at every step, it keeps you intrigued and active.
I would like to play as a player more often, alas, I am doomed to slaughter them instead!
I would rate this higher if it didn't take so long to play. It just isn't something I could say "I will play right now!" at any time due to the length.
Overlord part is always da guilty pleasure. But real fun begins with the campaign expansions.
I like the game and the miniatures, although balance seems heavily weighted to the guy controlling the monsters.
Picked up my copy finally at Buckeye Game Fest. Now that my dungeon buddy Jeremy is doing Peace Corps in Kenya, I'm not sure it was a necessary purchase, but I've been itching for it forever, so hopefully it will hit the table. [edit] After DescentCon at Chris's, how can I do anything but raise this to a 9? What an awesome weekend; what an awesome game.
One thing that would improve my enjoyment of the game is some kind of timer mechanism so it doesn't drag on and on. I'm fine with investing a substantial amount of time in a game, but I want to be rewarded for it. Some games it feels like you're just beating your head against a wall for hours before you finally concede. This is a downside to the otherwise good house rule where the heroes can have negative conquest tokens.
My like of this game has decreased somewhat, given that playing 4e DnD has made me realize I actually don't really care for tactical combat all that much. I'd much rather play Heroquest or Warhammer Quest.
Very tactical in terms of mini placement and use of hero orders. Has the cooperative aspects of Arkham Horror with even more opportunity for teamwork among the heroes. Elegant dice/combat system. Lots of theme. Negatives: long playing time (4-6 hrs). Game as originally released doesn't scale well for 2 or 4 heroes (treasure rules have since been changed). Too many quirky situations that should have been addressed in the rulebook (comprehensive FAQ is needed).